Notes and learnings 👩‍💻 by bolmaster2

About this page

First of all, I want this to be an unpretentious place where it's no pressure on the quality of the content. I start to get so old that I need to document my learnings to be able to remember them. Alright, so that's my excuse for writing shitty content 😎.

As you've probably guessed this will mostly be about technical subjects, like web development and internet and similar things. In the future I would like to be able to write about other subjects too. But I think it's hard to mix.

About me

My name is Joel Larsson, aka bolmaster2, and I work as a web developer. I like to use the right tool for the job and have worked both as a frontend and a backend developer. I started my professional career around 2009 after graduating Hyper Island. Since then I've realised that the internet business has a lot to offer. Like an ever lasting learning experience, which I think is really fun. There's always something new, or old, to learn.


If you have something on your mind, send me a tweet. If it's private, send me an email. Encrypt with my PGP key if it's sensitive.